
家常茄汁鸡丁 tomato sauce chicken做法,茄汁鸡丁 tomato sauce chicken食谱与做法

味美阁 人气:2.19W
茄汁鸡丁 tomato sauce chicken的做法步骤图


白糖 sugar 少许 a little
鸡腿肉切丁 dice chicken leg 2 只
老抽 dark soy sauce 少许 a little
生抽 soy sauce 少许 a little
蚝油 oyster oil 少许 a little
蕃茄酱 tomato sauce 4-5 勺 spoon
蒜 minced garlic 1勺 spoon
盐 salt 少许 a little
辣椒粉 Chili flakes 0.5勺 sauce spoon
小米辣Chili padi (optional) 1只

茄汁鸡丁 tomato sauce chicken的做法  

  1. 锅烧热,放入鸡腿肉和蒜末,快速翻炒。heat the pot until water does not evaporate immediately. Put diced chicken leg and minced garlic and stir fry quickly.

  2. 加入所有酱料,翻炒。add in all the sauces and stir fry.

  3. 加入半碗水,盖上锅盖煮5分钟。打开锅盖,翻炒至水干。add in half a bowl of water, cook with small fire and with pot cover. Open pot cover, stir fry until water dries.

  4. 根据味道,加入少许糖,盐。加入辣椒粉或者小米辣add in a little bit sugar and salt accordingly. Add in Chili flakes or Chili padi.  
