
家常Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包做法,Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包食谱与做法

味美阁 人气:6.09K
Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图


You will need mochi bread mix!
The one I use:

Better wear deposable gloves while mixing the flour. It gets real sticky.

Korean mochi bread and you can customize it by replacing matcha powder by anything you’d like to add in( e.g. coco, coconut, etc)

Recipe from: Source:


Butter 60 g
Egg 1 (median)
Milk 110 ml
Sugar 20g (add by preference)
Matcha powder 5 g
Mochi bread mix 200 g

Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法  

  1. Step 1: Cut butter in smaller pieces and heat the butter with milk until the butter melts.


    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Step2: Let the milk mix cools off a bit and add the egg, mix well.


    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. Step3: Add sugar and matcha powder to the milk, mix it until both sugar and matcha resolve completely.

    Step3: 加入抹茶粉,混匀。

    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. Step4: Sift the mochi flour in, and mix all together with a scraper and press the mix into small balls


    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. Step5: add dry raspberries if wanted.
    Step6: Let the balls rest for 20 minute before going into oven. This is a critical step to prevent them from collapsing.

    Step6: 将面团均匀的分成15-20份都ok。静置20分钟,记得哦,一定要让它休息20分钟,这个就是不塌陷的秘诀之一;

    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. Step 7: Preheat the oven at 200 C, turn the heat down to 180 C, and put it into the oven for 18 minutes. Turn the heat down to 160 Celsius for another 10 minutes. Lower the heat to 150 C for 8 minutes and finally turn off the heat and leave it in the oven for 10 minutes. This is the second secret.

    Step 7:烤箱上下火200度( 392 F) 预热后,转上下火180度(356 F)放入烤箱中层烤18分钟,再转上下火160度 (320 F)烤10分钟,再转上120下150度 (302 F)烤8分钟,最后10分钟出炉,这是秘诀之二。

    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 附上我用的麻薯粉。


    Korean matcha mochi bread 麻薯面包的做法步骤图 第8张


Don’t open the oven while the heat is on. It’ll cause the mochi balls to collapse.
