
家常Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏做法,Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏食谱与做法

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Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图

We always ordered Tiramisu as dessert when we dine at Italian restaurant, this recipe made my daughter say that it’s better than any of those she tried in the restaurant. Fresh ingredients, home made best Tiramisu!

This recipe makes 2 8x8 glass pan.



手指饼干Ladyfingers 2包(7 oz each)
蛋黄Large egg yolks 6个
砂糖Sugar 3/4cup
意大利忌廉奶酪Mascarpone cheese 1 lb.(2 cups)
打发奶油Heavy whipping cream 1 3/4cups
浓咖啡Espresso 2 cups
意式Sweet Marsala or Brandy 1 cup
香草精华Vanilla Extract 1tbsp
可可粉Cocoa powder 3 tbsp

Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法  

  1. 将6个蛋黄,半杯糖和半杯意式甜酒混合入玻璃碗里,放在煮沸水的容器上,用汽加热。大概4-8分钟左右,成为半固体状。Make zabaglion(sabayon) cream. Mix 6 egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup Marsala over double boiler, beating and scraping sides and cook 6-10 minutes or until soft mounds can be formed. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 入上图所示的程度,离火放冷,放入冰箱里静置30分钟。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 在一个先放入冰箱里冷过的玻璃碗里,打发奶油,加入2汤匙白糖,手握式在中速大概7-10分钟左右。In a cold bowl whip the heavy cream with 2 tbsp sugar on a low speed and gradually increase one speed, for about 7-10 minutes or until soft peaks form. Put the whipped cream in the refrigerator.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 打好的奶油放入冰箱里冷藏待用。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 将冷藏过的蛋黄酱取出,加入意大利忌廉奶酪混合均匀。Hand blend Mascarpone cheese and Zabaglione (egg yolk mixture) and mix until well blended. Cover and refrigerate.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 蛋黄馅混合好以后再放入冰箱冷藏待用。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 将浓咖啡,2汤匙糖,1汤匙香草精和半杯甜酒混合均匀。Mix 2 cups Espresso, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp vanilla, 1/2 cup of Marsala. Dip the ladyfingers briefly in the coffee mixture, not to over saturated.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第8张
  8. 将手指饼正反面在咖啡液里沾一次,放入玻璃容器底部摆齐。Arrange the ladyfingers on the bottom of
    the container, then spoon the cheese mixture (yellow) over cookies, followed by whipped cream layer, and sprinkle 1 tbsp cocoa powder.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第9张
  9. 再铺上一层奶油馅。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第10张
  10. 取出冷藏的蛋黄馅和奶油馅料。先铺一层蛋黄馅。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第11张
  11. 散上一层可可粉。

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第12张
  12. 重复以上四个步骤,再重复铺上手指饼,蛋黄馅,奶油馅和可可粉。放入冰箱里冷藏5小时后就可以切块出盘了。Repeat 1-2 more times ending with cocoa. Cover and refrigerate for 5+ hours so that cookies can soften as they absorb moisture. Garnish and serve.

    Classic Tiramisu最棒提拉米苏的做法步骤图 第13张


If you can’t find Mascarpone cheese, use 8 ounces full fat cream cheese, 1/4 cup whipping cream and 2 tablespoons softened unsalted butter, whip until it's just blended. This will give the equivalent of around 1 1/4 cups mascarpone.
